The Sager Family | Smuggler’s Cove
It’s easy for family portraits to feel overwhelming. What do you wear? Where should you go? How will you smile for that long? All completely valid questions and exactly how Denise felt when it came time to confirm our appointment.
I’ll tell you what I told her and all of the families that I work with : what’s most important is that you’re comfortable. Wear clothes that you love – not something that’s going to make you self-conscious or uncomfortable. Pick a spot that you love, whether it’s your home or a beach near and dear to your heart. As for the smiling, I don’t really have any advice for that. Maybe do some mouth exercises to prepare for all that happiness!
In all seriousness, it’s my job as a photographer to make you feel comfortable, to bring out the natural family joy that you feel when you’re cuddling on the couch, taking a hike in your favorite park, or kidding around with each other on a Sunday. I pride myself in my ability to make your family comfortable and to bring out enough smiles to make your cheeks hurt!
With all that in mind, the Sager family decided to start at their house. They have the most beautiful view of the Chilkat Mountain Range and a coop full of the sweetest hens you’ll ever meet. Basically, I was in heaven. After capturing this family of four in their natural environment, we headed down the road to Smuggler’s Cove to skip pebbles in the water and bask in the Alaskan sun. What resulted was an abundance of giggles, a lot of sweet hugs and a good amount of light leaks (my favorite.)
Toward the end of our session, Jake suggested the entire family find their favorite shells and put their hands together for a shot. It was such a beautiful gesture and turned into a really lovely photo. I’m so grateful to families like these who bring me their love, creativity and willingness to try new things. Thank you Sager family for sharing your afternoon with me!