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Snow Bunnies: Neal, Katie & Booker

I have never photographed a family in the snow. As a Floridian,  I’m accustomed to beach photo shoots and the occasional prairie or woodland thrown in. So when Katie asked me where we should take their photos, I jumped at the opportunity to take them up over the pass. The winter wonderland did not disappoint….

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Winter Wonderland

While we have yet to see any snow in town, there is plenty just 15 minutes away. It is a complete winter wonderland. U.S customs is about nine miles away, and just past customs lies what we call “the pass.” It’s basically the summit of a mountain, and it is beautiful!! But it gets extremely…

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The Chilkoot Trail: A walk through history

I live in a town full of history. Aptly dubbed “The Gateway to the Klondike,” Skagway was once a bustling community filled with nearly 30,000 stampeders readying themselves to unearth gold. The gold lay in Dawson City, hundreds of miles away, but Skagway was a place of outfitters, restaurants, bars and brothels. It was here…

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Puppies in Paradise

So, I have had so many blogs on so many different hosts. I figured it was about time to settle with one and keep it up to date for more than a month. With that being said, here it goes! And why not start with my pups.

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